Ductile Iron Piles Selected Over H-Piles to Support Retaining Wall Adjacent to Railroad
GeoSolv Design/Build installed a total of 39 vertical and 35 battered (3:1) ductile iron piles to support a new retaining wall adjacent to the railroad at West Harbour’s GO Station in Hamilton, Ontario.
The design team initially considered alternative foundation support options for the new 43 meter long retaining wall with heights of up to 5 meters. However these options were challenged with practical construction issues including excessive vibrations, extended working pad and laydown area requirements, and access issues. The team then proposed an alternative solution, Ductile Iron Piles, which proved to be the optimal system.
Key advantages of the Ductile Iron Pile System include:
- Limited vibrations
- Modular system reduces issues with laydown areas and driving access
- Ability to work from variable grades, reducing site preparations and logistic issues
Interested in reading more about West Harbour GO Station Retaining Wall? Click HERE.