Helical Piles

A Higher-Capacity, Lower Risk Helical Pile Alternative

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Are you thinking helical piles?

Should you consider a Ductile Iron Pile alternative for higher capacity and reduced risk?

Helical piles are a well-proven technology for underpinning of existing structures and are frequently used for new construction of lightly-loaded buildings with pile capacities typically less than 20 tons. Like any foundation solution, though, there are often situations where alternative technologies may provide greater benefits. For instance, do you need greater pile capacity to optimize your foundations but not sure if you can get there with helical piles? Are you concerned about not achieving the torque requirements or having to extend deeper to generate the required capacity? Will the helical piles “torque out” before getting through an undocumented fill or “spin out” on rock or glacial till leaving you with questions about capacity? We often hear these concerns from design professionals or contractors on projects utilizing or considering helical piles.

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  • Greater capacities up to 100 tons
  • Rapid installation rates: 400 to >1200 ft/day
  • Reduces installation risk: no spinning out or issues achieving torque
  • Reduces pile quantities

A Helical Pile Alternative

Recently, Ductile Iron Piles have become a go-to alternative for helical pile projects to provide a reliable, high capacity alternative for new construction or building additions. The modular, low-vibration system is installed using an excavator-mounted medium-sized percussion hammer to drive the pile using high-frequency percussive (ramming) energy. The high frequency drive energy produces minimal vibrations, allowing the system to effectively work immediately adjacent to existing buildings, like helical piles. Ductile Iron Piles develop compression capacities of 25 to 100 tons by either end-bearing on glacial till or rock or by creating a grouted friction bond zone like a micropile. This grouted bond zone is also used to provide tensile capacities of up to 50 tons.

The greater capacity often results in fewer piles and a more cost-effective foundation. This versatility in developing geotechnical resistance and load support allows you to confidently develop higher capacities in a variety of conditions without the concerns of achieving the torque or with unanticipated spin out of the pile.

The modular nature of the piles and medium-sized installation equipment allows the system to gain access to tight sites. In addition, the Plug and Drive connection system results in rapid installations with production rates of 400 to more than 1,200 linear feet per crew day.

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Interested in a reliable, high-capacity helical pile alternative?

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Considering Ductile Iron Piles? Reach out for a project feasibility today!