DuroTerra Dialogue: Too much Tension?!?! – Not for Ductile Iron Piles
Too much Tension?!?! – Not for Ductile Iron Piles There’s so much tension in the world these days. No – we’re not talking about the tension caused by global pandemic stresses or political differences. We’re talking about the tension on foundations caused by increased seismic overturning loads, wind pressures, retaining wall […]
DuroTerra Dialogue: Don’t get hung up on helical piles
Don’t get hung up on helical piles! Helical piles are used for underpinning of existing structures and for new construction of boardwalks and lightly loaded buildings. Like any piling system, there can be limitations that impact the overall benefit. We often hear these concerns from design professionals and contractors on projects utilizing […]
Ductile Iron Piles: A Higher-Capacity, Lower Risk Helical Pile Alternative
Are you thinking helical piles? Should you consider a Ductile Iron Pile alternative for higher capacity and reduced risk? Helical piles are a well-proven technology for underpinning of existing structures and are frequently used for new construction of lightly-loaded buildings with pile capacities typically less than 20 tons. Like any […]
A Cost-Effective Micropile Alternative
Working close to existing structures? Constrained sites? Interior applications? Concerned about vibrations from foundation construction? These are all common reasons why project teams specify drilled micropiles for foundation support on projects. Project teams also deal with the reality that drilled micropiles are often expensive and slow to install. A Drilled […]
DuroTerra is Heading to California
Are you attending DFI’s 40TH Annual Conference on Deep Foundations October 12-15 in Oakland, California? Stop by and chat with our team at Booth #426. Deep Foundation Institute’s Annual Conference brings together more than 1,000 industry professionals from around the world who are eager to learn more about the latest […]
DuroTerra Presents at GeoStructures’ 10th Annual Technical Conference
Last week we had the opportunity to present at GeoStructures’ 10th Annual Technical conference in New York City on March 12th. The meeting, led by representatives from GeoStructures, Geopier and DuroTerra, brought together top geotechnical and structural engineering firms throughout the New York and New Jersey areas. The meeting explored alternative, […]
DuroTerra Sponsoring IFCEE
DuroTerra is sponsoring and exhibiting at the International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo, the world’s largest exhibit show solely dedicated to the foundation industry, March 17-21 in San Antonio, Texas. This premier event explores the latest in the development of technologies in equipment and services, providing more than 35 hours of […]
CAMBRIDGE, MA – OCTOBER 1, 2014 – “An Alternative Pile Technology” {link to paper on technical info page} co-authored by Rimas Veitas (DuroTerra) and Erich Steinlechner (Tiroler Rohre) was accepted by Deep Foundations Institute and will be presented and published at the 39th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations. The technical […]
DuroTerra LLC Named Official Distributor of Ductile Iron Piles in North America
BRAINTREE, MA – June 2, 2014 – DuroTerra LLC has partnered with Tiroler Rohre GmbH (TRM) to become the exclusive distributor of Ductile Iron Pile (DIP) products in North America. TRM, the manufacturer of Ductile Iron Piles, is one of Europe’s largest suppliers of ductile cast iron pipeline systems. DuroTerra […]