News & Insights

Can Ductile Iron Piles be used for infrastructure projects?

Can Ductile Iron Piles be used for infrastructure projects?

Can Ductile Iron Piles be used for infrastructure projects? We routinely are asked this question by engineers and contractors looking to get the best value for their foundations on infrastructure projects. It’s a timely question now with the renewed focus on the U.S. infrastructure projects making the news as President […]

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Between Bedrock and a Hard Place…or Not.

Between Bedrock and a Hard Place…or Not.

Between Bedrock and a Hard Place…Or Not. Unanticipated ground conditions are a risk that can appear on any project. Something as simple as deeper rock depths discovered during construction can derail the foundation budget and schedule. Is the on-site equipment adequate to reach the deeper rock or is larger equipment required? Are […]

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Ductile Iron Piles – not easily pushed around…

Ductile Iron Piles – not easily pushed around…

Ductile Iron Piles – not easily pushed around… When you need a deep foundation system to resist lateral forces, small diameter piles are not the first thing you think about. Yet, many projects that would benefit from small diameter, low-vibration piles (like Ductile Iron Piles, or DIPs) still require some degree […]

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Breaking Traditions – Ductile Iron Piles replace Steel H-piles

Breaking Traditions – Ductile Iron Piles replace Steel H-piles

Breaking Traditions – Ductile Iron Piles replace Steel H-piles If you are a regular reader of DuroTerra case histories, you know that specialty contractors and design teams routinely select Ductile Iron Piles as an alternative to drilled micropiles and helical piles. But did you know that Ductile Iron Piles are […]

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DuroTerra Dialogue: A low-vibration, driven piling system…

DuroTerra Dialogue: A low-vibration, driven piling system…

A low-vibration, driven piling system… Is that even possible? The industry often associates driven piles with the exact opposite. Therein lies the paradox of the TRM Ductile Iron Pile system. Ductile Iron Piles are installed with an excavator-mounted hydraulic breaker hammer (i.e. demolition hammer) that delivers direct percussion (impact) energy to […]

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DuroTerra Dialogue: Ductile Iron Piles – Supporting the Speed of E-Commerce

DuroTerra Dialogue: Ductile Iron Piles – Supporting the Speed of E-Commerce

Ductile Iron Piles – Supporting the Speed of E-Commerce Even before the Pandemic, construction of warehousing and distribution centers was on fire. These industry sectors have continued to explode with so many U.S. households now relying on e-commerce more than ever. This trend is not likely to diminish even as the Pandemic […]

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DuroTerra Dialogue: Too much Tension?!?! – Not for Ductile Iron Piles

DuroTerra Dialogue: Too much Tension?!?! – Not for Ductile Iron Piles

Too much Tension?!?! – Not for Ductile Iron Piles There’s so much tension in the world these days. No – we’re not talking about the tension caused by global pandemic stresses or political differences. We’re talking about the tension on foundations caused by increased seismic overturning loads, wind pressures, retaining wall […]

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DuroTerra Dialogue: In a Tight Spot? The Right Solution for Low Overhead Clearance

DuroTerra Dialogue: In a Tight Spot? The Right Solution for Low Overhead Clearance

In a Tight Spot? The Right Solution for Low Overhead Clearance What is your deep foundation of choice when facing overhead clearance restrictions on your project? Many engineers and contractors turn to helical piles or micropiles when working inside existing buildings or with limited overhead clearance. Did you know that Ductile Iron […]

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DuroTerra Dialogue: Micropiles Made Simple

DuroTerra Dialogue: Micropiles Made Simple

Micropiles Made Simple. Micropiles fill a niche in geotechnical construction to address sites with challenges including vibration concerns, overhead clearance restrictions and heavily-obstructed conditions. But you often hear words like complicated, expensive, slow, messy, dangerous associated with micropile installations. Did you know that Ductile Iron Piles (DIPs) are being used […]

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DuroTerra Dialogue: Don’t get hung up on helical piles

DuroTerra Dialogue: Don’t get hung up on helical piles

Don’t get hung up on helical piles! Helical piles are used for underpinning of existing structures and for new construction of boardwalks and lightly loaded buildings. Like any piling system, there can be limitations that impact the overall benefit. We often hear these concerns from design professionals and contractors on projects utilizing […]

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Considering Ductile Iron Piles? Reach out for a project feasibility today!